Get backlinks in 30 days – top 40 social bookmarking sites
Hey friends after examination of my 4 year encounter now i m posting this bookmarking rundown which must be make back connection for your site with in 30 days.
simply bookmark you site great substance with incorporated your decisive word and see the result.
1- Digg
2- Stumble Upon
3- Redditt
4- Jump Tags
5- Diigo
6- Delicious
7- Mister Wong
8- Slashdot
9- Technorati
10- Scoopeo
11- Shoutwire
12- Chime
13- Newsvine
14- Simpy
15- Blinklist
16- Netvouz
17- Connotea
18- Folkd
19- Zigtag
20- Buddymarks
21- Linkagogo
22- Indianpad
23- Thoof
24- Corank
25- Dropjack
26- Bizsugar
27- A1webmarks
28- Givealink
29- Kwoff
30- Newsmeback
31- Oneview
32- Ziki
33- i89
34- Lookmarks
35- Stylid
37- Diggma
38- Connect Galaxy
39- Chillbookmarks
40- Segnalo
Thank you for visit my website . check again i will post new list here. please leave comment for me